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The iPhone 6's A8 chip can play 4K video


The iPhone 6 is an incredible device capable of wonderful feats, like shooting 4K video as long as you have the right app. Sadly you can't watch 4K video on the iPhone 6, right? It turns out that's not actually the case. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus can play 4K video right out of the box thanks to its A8 chip.

The discovery was made by the developers of WALTR, a great Mac app that allows users to quickly upload video files to their iPhone which aren't supported by iTunes, such as FLAC and MKV files. While testing the app developers found it is possible to playback 4K videos on the iPhone 6. Even if Apple hasn't announced it, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are ready to play 4K videos.

Given the company's recent launch of the Retina 5K iMac it's obvious Apple has its sights on an even more high-definition future. We can't wait to see if Apple plans on unlocking the ability to view 4K footage on the device for users in the future. Although an iPhone 6 with 16GB won't store much 4K video, it's quite possible that a future Apple TV using the A8 chip would handle footage flawlessly.

In the mean time the WALTR app just earned itself a big new selling point for video fans. Thanks to contributor Brett Terpstra for the tip.

TUAW의 보도에 따르면 애플의 아이폰 6 시리즈에 탑재된 듀얼코어 A8 칩에서 4K 비디오 작동이 가능한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 이는 Mac의 비디오 컨버트 앱 WALTR 개발자들이 발견한 것으로, 현재까지 애플이 공식적으로 아이폰6 4K 비디오 기능에 관하여 언급한 적이 없습니다. 즉, 애플이 언제든 4K 비디오 기능을 iOS 업데이트 등을 통해 공개할 수 있을 것으로 예상됩니다.



