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MS. 마침내 자사 스토어에서 윈도우폰 판매 중단


마이크로소프트가 마침내 자사 스토어에서 윈도우폰 판매를 중단하였습니다.

이미 마이크로소프트는 윈도우폰에 대해 개발중단을 밝힌 상황입니다.

물론, 오프라인 매장에서는 재고상태의 윈도우폰을 구할 수도 있습니다.


Microsoft Windows Phone Windows

Last year Microsoft finally confirmed that Windows Phone is dead, but even after that point it still sold some such devices through its official online store. Not anymore, though.

Today there are zero Windows Phones in stock at the Microsoft Store, and we assume the company isn't going to replenish those stocks. So it's yet another good opportunity to bid farewell to Microsoft's Windows Phone experiment, now that you can't even purchase the HP Elite x3 for $299, alcatel Idol 4s for $99.99, or the Idol 4s with VR goggles in a bundle for $169.

We assume it took this long for the stocks to be depleted because in spite of the severe price cuts not a lot of people were buying these. Obviously though, physical Microsoft Stores might still have some Windows Phones in stock if you're feeling adventurous. And there are always third party distributors, that may be sitting on a bunch of unsold handsets running what was once said to become 'the third option' for smartphones, alongside Android and iOS.
