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HTC must alter chip in One smartphone to avoid Nokia patents


HTC must alter chip in One smartphone in order to avoid Nokia patents

Poor HTC. As if it didn't already have enough to deal with, the troubled manufacturer now has to meddle with the original design of the One and other smartphones in order to avoid infringing on a couple of Nokia patents. According to the Wall Street Journal, HTC is currently working with Qualcomm to find a different method of improving reception and transmission within its radio components, following a successful patent suit by Nokia in the US a week ago. If these tweaks don't happen, and if the ITC upholds Nokia's victory when it considers the matter in January, a number of models could potentially be subject to import bans. This has happened before, however, when HTC unwittingly infringed on a Nokia microphone patent and quickly managed to find a workaround, so by now it has become adept at this sort of fire-fighting and says it already has a plan to avoid "business disruption."



One과 다른 스마트폰들은 노키아의 특허 침해를 피해가 위해 원래의 설계를 바꿔야하게 되었다. WSJ에 의하면, 일주일 전 미국에서 노키아와의 특허소송에서 패소한 뒤 퀄컴과 함께 라디오 부품 내부의 응답과 전송(reception and transmission)의 개선 방법에 대한 다른 방법을 찾고 있다. 이로 인해 ITC에서 몇가지 모델에 대해 수입금지를 요청할 수 있게 되었다.
