It's being reported on today that Apple successfully defended itself against the assertion of a standard-essential patent by Samsung in Japan. On a global scale this was Samsung's 22nd SEP assertion to have been dismissed, dropped or stayed. It was the first pro-FRAND ruling by an Asian court that I've ever heard of. And now that Apple has filed a redacted translation of the relevant passages of the Tokyo District Court's ruling, it turns out that it's also the first time in the Apple-Samsung dispute for Samsung to have been found to have abused the standard-setting process through untimely disclosures.
일본 도쿄지법은 삼성이 애플을 상대로 FRAND 특허를 남용했다고 판결했다. 이는 아시아 법원에서는 최초의 프로-FRAND 판결이다. 애플은 이 판결문을 번역해 현재 삼성-애플 간의 소송이 진행 중인 미 ITC에 보냈다.
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