We have received a tip that we cannot confirm, hence our "RUMOR" designation, that nonetheless has at least an air of credibility about it that says, "Apple is planning to make MobileMe free."
MobileMe is Apple's $99 per year service (it can be purchased for less) that keeps your email, contacts, and calendar information in the “cloud” and uses push technology to keep everything in sync across your

MobileMe was originally launched on January 5, 2000, as "iTools," a free collection of Internet-based services for users of Mac

No timeframe was given for MobileMe to go free, other than: "sooner than later... depends on certain facilities going operational."
That's all we have at this time.
Again, this is an unconfirmed RUMOR.
일단 루머이긴 하지만 반가운 소식입니다...1년에 99$씩 결제하고 쓰곤했었는데...무료로 전환한다면 정말로 행복할것 같습니다...
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