New macbook Pro 썸네일형 리스트형 Apple speeds up MacBook Pro Apple on Thursday morning unveiled a new line of high-end laptop computers that's about twice as fast as the older generation, according to the company. The MacBook Pro laptops get a speed boost from faster Intel processors, which can reach "Turbo Boost" speeds of 3.4 gigahertz. In nongeek speak, that means the computers can complete 3.4 billion calculations per second. Apple says it's using the.. 더보기 이번 맥북프로에 선더볼트라는 기술이 추가. Thunderbolt is a revolutionary I/O technology that supports high-resolution displays and high-performance data devices through a single, compact port. It sets new standards for speed, flexibility, and simplicity. And it makes its debut in the new MacBook Pro. Powerful technology from a powerful collaboration. Thunderbolt began at Intel Labs with a simple concept: create an incredibly fast input/.. 더보기 이전 1 다음