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How To Install Siri on iPhone 4/3GS


So the progress news of Siri’s port to iPhone 4 have been trying to break the internet since the launch of iPhone 4S. We earlier showed you a video from a developer who demonstrated that Siri had been ported to iPhone 4 successfully, along with a few limitations, and also posted about the legalities involved in the porting of Siri to non-4S devices.

Well, iOS developer and hacker, F@rZaD has just revealed a how-to guide about the porting procedure of Siri to iPhone 4 and 3GS, along with a video version of the tutorial which is now going viral on YouTube. Just to let you know, this guide only lets you install the GUI (user interface) of Siri on your iPhone 4 or 3GS but not the complete working model.

Disclaimer: we at Simonblog have not tested this guide on our devices yet, although F@rZaD has tweeted on Twitter that his followers are replying back in positive after following the guide on their 3GS devices. We are sharing this for educational purposes, so follow at your own risk and make sure you have a backup of your data.

Below is the video tutorial, followed by the step-by-step guide in text, both posted by the hacker himself.

Before Proceeding, Make Sure You Have

  • A jailbroken iPhone running iOS 5. If you do not have a jailbroken device, you can have it jailbroken, following any of our useful guides in the Jailbreak section, here.
  • iPhone Explorer or any software program that gives you access to your iOS device’s root directory
  • iFile
  • Download these required files from here (or via Mirror link).

Procedures to Install Siri

Step 1

The files you downloaded from the requirements, extract them to your desktop.

Step 2

Now plug in your device to your desktop via USB cable. Using a file explorer such as iPhone Explorer, copy the AssistantServices.framework folder to Root > System > Library > PrivateFrameworks

Step 3

Copy each and every file inside the SpringBoard folder to the following path: /system/library/coreservice/springboard.app

Step 4

Look for N90AP.plist in the springboard.app file and open it with iFile in text format and append this line at the bottom

‘’<key>assistant</key><true/>’’ after ‘’<key>720p</key><true/>’’

Step 5

Respring your device while holding the Home button.

That’s it. This should have Siri running on your device if you’ve followed the guide correctly. You can follow @euwars on Twitter for questions/help regarding this hack.
