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애플, 중국 모바일 시장 브랜드 파워에서 삼성 제쳐


차이나 브랜드 리서치 센터의 올해 자료에 따르면 브랜드 파워 부문에서 애플이 1위를 차지하였습니다.

이 조사에서 삼성은 2012년 부터 1위 자리를 고수한 바 있습니다. 하지만 올해는 2점에 약간 못 미치는 점수 차이로 애플에게 1위 자리를 내주고 말았습니다.

이 조사는 30개의 도시에서 15세 부터 65세의 약 1.3만 명의 거리 시민들을 대상으로 브랜드의 인지도와 충성도를 알아본 것 입니다. 리서치 센터는 이 결과에 대해 '삼성이 점유율에 너무 취중한 나머지 고객에 대한 관심을 가지지 못했기 때문' 이라고 분석하였습니다.


China Brand Research Center recently published findings of a consumer brand survey and found that Apple was the big winner in the mobile category. Samsung Electronics had previously held the coveted spot in 2012 and 2013. It looks like Apple CEO Tim Cook was right when he said that China was going to be a major player for the company in the future.

According to an article in Business Korea, the China Brand Power Index for this year showed Apple’s placement at number one on the list followed by Samsung, who incidentally did take first place in the TV and monitors category.

The article also noted that the iPhone skyrocketed in popularity this year as Apple launched the larger screened iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The company reportedly sold 39 million smartphones between July and September with an estimated 70 million additional units being sold between October and December. Business Korea notes that this is 40 percent higher than last quarter.

The article states that the survey was conducted from August 2013 to January 2014, which is very strange considering Korea Business alludes to the iPhone 6 as the reason Apple became number one in brand value in China for 2014. The biggest release from Apple during that time period would have been the iPad Air. So, even though the iPhone 6 is making an impression right now, if the information given is correct, it was the iPad Air that made Apple number one in China.
